Parking & Drop-off Safety
The Otis Traffic Safety Plan has been implemented for the safety of our students, parents and staff. We ask for your patience and good humor during the most congested drop off and pick up times. No one likes to wait in long lines, but taking a short cut at the expense of others only creates a dangerous free-for-all. Please cooperate with us to create a system that helps us all be safe while reducing delays. We as volunteers, parents, and staff thank you for your courtesy and cooperation.
Traffic Flow and Morning Drop-off
Drivers are asked to only drop off in designated loading zones on Fillmore and High streets. There are AAA sponsored Student Safety Patrols at both locations in the morning. Everyone is asked to “drop and go” in the morning to keep traffic moving. The Safety Patrol volunteers will help students exit vehicles and escort younger children on campus. For Fillmore drop off, please enter from the west. Please do not make u-turns on Fillmore, as it is extremely dangerous. Also, please do not double park on Fillmore to drop-off your students. For High St. please enter from the north. Please be respectful and kind to our Safety Patrol volunteer students and parents.
Afternoon Pick-up
Everyone is asked to “swing through” the loading zones in the afternoon. The loading zones have a three minute time limit and are marked as no parking areas. Please arrange for your students to be waiting at the curb when you pull up. If they are not there, please circle the block rather than waiting in the loading zones, which prevents other families from picking up their students safely.
Bicycle Traffic
Students riding bikes to school are asked to enter campus safely. Once on campus bikes are to walked to the designated bicycle parking next to the MPR and on Court St. All students please be sure to walk your bikes in crosswalks. It is state law to do so. Please be courteous of students and adults walking to school.